Hardware cloth to bury or skirt
We are getting our coop next week and i plan to work on the foundation this weekend. I think we have decided to put the coop next to the house (as opposed to next to the fence) to deter predators from digging under our 6ft high wooden fence. You folks have convinced me to use hardware cloth around the perimeter (thank you!). Should i bury it 4" or so under the soil surface or skirt it out from the base? Is there an advantage of one over the other?
Fyi, although we are in Central Austin, we live on a creek/greenbelt. We have seen foxes, possums, racoons etc on the prowl around here for years.
Thanks for the help!
I would definitly skirt it. Chickens like to dig too and sometimes remove soil around the inside edge making it easy for a preditor. The skirt that is under the grass level that extends at least 18" out from the wire will stop them. They dig down through the grass and hit the fence. Then they will go to another spot and do the same. I had a fox dig down in about 6 places before he gave up and left. Good luck with your chickens.