WuZhou KingDa Mesh

Naturally Clean Barbecue Grills

How to Naturally Clean Barbecue Grills


If your racks have been sitting all winter and you didn't clean them after your cookout last year, then you will need to give them a good clean start for this year.

The easiest way to do this is to moisten some paper towels with ammonia (make sure you use gloves and a face mask) and put them on each side of the rack and slide the racks into a garbage bag. Tie the garbage bag shut and let the racks sit overnight. In the morning, put your gloves and mask on and open the bags up(make sure you do this away from you because ammonia can be quite dangerous). Wipe down the racks with the paper towels and then wash with soapy water and rinse.


When the season is over, does your barbecue grill look like it has been well used? Cleaning the outside of the grill (charcoal or gas) will help keep your grill looking new again. Do this by using Gojo Waterless Hand Cleaner. Rub GoJo on the outside of your grill (make sure the grill is cool) with paper towels or old rags.

You don't have to rinse, just buff with paper towels.


Spraying the barbecue grill with a non-stick cooking spray (like Pam cooking spray)will help make clean-up easier.

Spray a liberal amount on the grill (this works for gas and charcoal grills). Food won't stick so you can enjoy your company and cookout.

You will need to wipe the grill down right after you get done cooking. This gets rid of any burned on grease, etc. Let the grill cool slightly to keep from burning yourself. Ball up aluminum foil and use as a scrubbing brush. Scrub the grill rack with the foil ball.