WuZhou KingDa Mesh

What the useful baking rack it is

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Place a wire baking rack on the counter. If you are concerned with making a mess with crumbs, place a cookie sheet underneath the wire rack to catch the crumbs.


Grip the sides of your bread pan firmly with oven mitts or pot holders. Gently flip the pan upside down, and shake it gently in a downward motion over the wire baking rack. The bread should fall gently onto the rack after a few seconds.


Place your loaf of bread upright on the wire rack, using oven mitts or pot holders.


Place a tea towel over your bread if you want a softer loaf. Otherwise, keep the bread uncovered on the rack for 30 to 45 minutes to properly cool before serving. Darker loaves (rye, pumpernickel) usually require baking for two to four hours.


When baked items are left to cool inside the pan they were baked in, they tend to become soggy because the steam can't readily escape from all surfaces of the item. When the steam can't escape, the moisture is absorbed into the baked item. WUZHOU KINGDA baking racks also help speed up the cooling process. The faster cookies and cakes cool, the sooner you can frost them.