WuZhou KingDa Mesh

Dish Drying Rack Art Shines a Light on Border Crossers

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According to the U.S. Migratory Political Institute, from 2000 to 2005, 7,178,000 detentions were registered at the U.S.- Mexico border.


The border between Mexico and the United States is the place that this dish-drying rack, “Mojado” (“wet-back”), represents.


Mojado was created by artist Ariel Rojo, whose design firm is committed to improving the quality of life through design solutions.


Mojado has no intention of pointing blame. It simply represents a place with an often sad history. We can see the migrant trying to cross to the other side of the Bravo river, the soldier performing his duty, and the “coyote” that guides or abandons the border crossers.


Many migrants cross the border to fulfill their dreams of a better life – some as owners of their businesses and others simply washing dishes.


Rojo says he believes “design is a tool, not a goal.”