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How to Use Galvanized Wire

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How to Use Galvanized Wire

Galvanized wire ranges in size from .008 to .312 in thickness. Galvanized wire is manufactured in hard or soft wire forms and sold in coils or spools depending upon the amount needed. It is used in many different applications from crafts to landscaping. Galvanized wire is perfect for organizing a space, creating a fence or trellis and making small repairs.


1 Use galvanized wire to create a trellis. Cut four lengths of wire to the desired height. Insert these wires evenly around your potted plant. Cut an additional length of wire and weave it around the upright wires from bottom to top. Twist the wires together at the top. Plant climbing vines in the planter.

2 Make a fence or marker around trees using galvanized wire. Drill evenly spaced holes in three wooden stakes. Insert the stakes into the ground forming a triangle around the tree. Thread galvanized wires through the holes from bottom to top to create a cage.

3 Use galvanized wire to organize a garden shed. Clear out a corner in the garage. Insert a screw on each side of the corner at the same height. Wrap a piece of galvanized wire around one screw. Form a loop on the other end of the galvanized wire to fabricate a simple latch. Place shovels, rakes and other long handled tools in the corner. Attach the loop to the other screw to prevent these items from walling into the walkway.

4 Fashion a tool rack for small garden tools using galvanized wire. Cut a length of galvanized wire 4 feet long. Screw in a series of three screws on the wall 12 inches apart. Wrap one end of the wire around the first screw. Move along the wire 4 inches and make a loop. Size the loop according to the tool handles to be stored. Twist the loop to secure it and repeat the process. Wrap the wire around the center screw and continue making loops to the last screw. Use the series of loops to organize pliers, wire cutters, hand trowels, small garden spades, hammers and other handled tools.

5 Patch holes in fences or animal cages using galvanized wire. Cut a new piece of fencing or cage material. Place it over the hole to be patched. Use a length of galvanized wire to sew the new fencing material to the old.