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Fastest Ways to Clean a Hamster Cage

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Fastest Ways to Clean a Hamster Cage

Hamsters make quiet, low-maintenance pets, but they do require general care. Cleaning out the hamster's cage is a task that should be done regularly, at least once a month, to ensure that the hamster has a clean and sanitary environment, and to prevent foul odors from spreading around your home. Cleaning out the hamster cage can be completed quickly with the right process in place.

Remove the Hamster
If you attempt to clean out the hamster cage with the hamster still in it, you might be there a while. The fastest way to clean a hamster cage is by removing the hamster from the cage before you begin. You can relocate the hamster to the inside of a plastic ball for it to run around on the floor in, or place the hamster in a secondary cage for temporary holding. If someone else is around to help, have the person hold and play with the hamster. A hamster-free cage will offer you less distractions and interruptions while you clean.

Take Out Objects
Quickly take out any objects that are in the hamster cage, such as toys, tunnels, a spinning wheel, water bottle and food dish. These objects will only stand in your way when you clean the cage out, and cause the process to take longer.

Have Materials Ready
Have the materials ready and by your side when you go to clean out the hamster cage. Being prepared makes the process go by much more quickly. The materials that you should have next to you include a garbage can, a bag of fresh substrate or wood chips, spray bottle full of antibacterial dish soap, two rags and a spray bottle full of water. When you stay organized you can get this job done fast.

Quick Cleaning
Dump the old substrate directly into the garbage can, spray the soapy water into the cage, scrub down the grime with one of the rags, rinse out the cage with the spray bottle containing water, wipe it dry with the second rag and refill the cage with new bedding. This is a faster process than washing out the cage in the sink or with a hose outside.